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With amazement and disappointment, AdB S.p.A., manager of the Marconi airport in Bologna and a listed company, since July 2015, in the star segment of the market managed by the Italian stock exchange (Euronext Group), acknowledges the statements from representatives of the Municipality of Bologna following the meeting of the Anti-Noise Commission held yesterday afternoon and reported today in the city press. The manager of Marconi airport also firmly rejects, as it is without any basis, the attribution to the same (and, with it, to the entire Commission) of an “attitude of inertia”.

On the contrary, at the Commission held yesterday, in the presence of ENAC (the Italian Civil Aviation Authority), ENAV, ARPAE, the Ministry of the Environment, the Emilia-Romagna Region, the Municipality of Bologna, the Municipality of Calderara di Reno and the Municipality of Anzola dell'Emilia, the Bologna Airport illustrated the most recent data recorded by technical instruments, certifying that in 2024 the percentage of night overflights on some peripheral areas of the city of Bologna out of total flights (equal to 0.3%) is the lowest recorded so far (the all-time high figure relating to the entire year 2023 was 1.1%), as a result of the new regulations for night flight operations introduced in May 2023 under the Decree of ENAC.

Also yesterday, within the Commission, under the presidency of the local ENAC director, the additional improvements in terms of impact on the city, resulting from a change to the opening climb procedure for take-offs on Runway 12 were also shared and discussed (advance of the turnaround to the north at 520 feet), so the take-offs on the city side are actually moved to areas with lower population density, subsequently reducing the impact on residential areas.

With regard, then, to the overall noise impact of aeronautical operations, it was recalled in the Commission that, in March 2024, the airport operator sent the results of the noise mapping for the year 2023 to the competent bodies. Having found that certain limits of noise zoning at the airport had been slightly exceeded, Bologna Airport has also - subject to prior approval of its management body - already promoted the launch of implementation of the “Noise abatement plan”, as is the case, in similar scenarios, at national and international level, also involving, as relevant stakeholders, the local authorities as part of a technical table for the pre-sharing of technical analyses and consequent discussion and preparation of adequate abatement measures. All this in the wake of current legislation governing the 'balanced approach'. In this regard, however, the airport operator yesterday also declared its commitment to finalise the mitigation plan in about 12 months, despite the fact that the regulation allows airport operators a much longer term of 36 months.

This must be specified so that the truth of the facts is not misrepresented in the interest of the honest and effective management of a material issue for the sustainable development of the “Marconi” airport, and in order to protect the substantial interests of Stakeholders and Shareholders, AdB S.p.A. confirms its own commitment and full willingness to continue with the noise impact mitigation processes undertaken, on the back of the provisions in force and the most advanced - current and future - technological solutions, in constant reconciliation and collaboration with the different institutionally competent authorities and/or stakeholders.

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