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Notification center
  • Liquids in your hand baggage

    The European Commission is temporarily reimplementing restrictions on liquids, aerosols and gels carried by passengers in their cabin baggage.
    Starting from 1st September 2024, the maximum allowed size of individual liquid containers will be set to 100 ml.

Notification center
  • Liquids in your hand baggage

    The European Commission is temporarily reimplementing restrictions on liquids, aerosols and gels carried by passengers in their cabin baggage.
    Starting from 1st September 2024, the maximum allowed size of individual liquid containers will be set to 100 ml.

Airport Fees & Charges

Aeronautical charges and fees

On March 2, 2023 the Users’ Public Hearing was held concerning the new charges proposal and service level agreement of Aeroporto Guglielmo Marconi di Bologna S.p.A. for the four-year period 2023-2026, with entry into force from June 1, 2023. The Airport Operator and Airport Users have reached a substantial agreement on the new charges proposal and service level agreement for the 2023-2026 period.

The Transport Regulation Authority (ART), with resolution n. 82 of April 28, 2023, defined the compliance with provisions to the Model referred to in Resolution no. 92/2017, in relation to the new airport charges proposal elaborated by AdB S.p.A. and approved by Airport Users.

The Transport Regulation Authority (ART), with resolution n. 120 of July 13, 2023, defined the final compliance in relation to the airport charges proposal elaborated by AdB S.p.A. following the implementation of the previsions defined by the Authority with resolution n. 82 of April 28, 2023, with entry into force from September 1, 2023.

Annual Consultation

Annual Airport Users Consultation Procedure of the Bologna Airport, October 25, 2023, for:

  • Determination of official Charges and fees for the year 2024 and annual reporting;
  • information on Updating of the level of rights applied starting from 1 September 2023 due to the corrections imposed by Resolution no. 82/2023 of ART, with particular reference to the calculation of imputed items within the periods 2023-2026 and 2027-2030 (in application of the prescription of resolution no. 120/2023 of ART);
  • information on Final balance of tariff recovery with regard to airport users (plus or minus), with reference to the period between 1 June 2023 and 31 August 2023;
  • proposal to revise the tariff for the PRM fee for the year 2024.


Taxes collected by the Airport Operator on behalf of Public Authorities

Additional tax on pax boarding fees
Art.2, c. 11, L.350 /03 and following modifications and updates - € 6,50 for departing pax

Emilia-Romagna Region introduced noise charge IRESA (Regional Tax on aircraft noise emissions) effective from 1st January 2020.
This tax is calculated for each landing and take-off movement, on MTOW (maximum take-off weight of the aircraft) and its amount will depend on the noise certification chapter of each aircraft, as well as on a number of other parameters set forth in art. 16 of the Regional Law 21/12/2012 nbr 15 and following modifications and updates.

From 1 January 2023, the Iresa discount will be applied to flights is as follows:

  • 90% take-off on runway 30 North-West, towards Bargellino area;
  • 30% at landings for runway 12 Southeast, from Bargellino area.

In case the detection system of take-off and landing routes should not be capable of detecting the take-off and/or landing route as a result of shutdown of the transponder on board and/or other technical causes, the full rate Iresa tax will be calculated.

IRESA tax is due by carriers, based on Bologna Airport invoices and proceeds are periodically remitted by Bologna Airport to Emilia-Romagna Region.

Please see Emilia-Romagna Region web site for all information about IRESA law, rates and penalty.

In order to operate the levy from 1st January 2020, carriers should send the noise certificate of their fleet’s aircrafts through this e-mail address airsideoperation@bologna-airport.it.
operations@tagbologna.com for General Aviation.

In case of non-compliance with the request to transmit noise certificates by the date of the flight operations, Aeroporto G. Marconi di Bologna is required, as per the Agreement with Emilia-Romagna Region, to apply the rate of € 0.50 per ton or fraction of the maximum take-off weight.

As regards the tax exemptions, Carriers entitled not to be taxed (art. 15 of RL 21/12/2016) are responsible for sending Bologna Airport all the data necessary to apply the exemption by the date of their flight operations (airsideoperation@bologna-airport.it; General Aviation operations@tagbologna.com). In the absence of this information and of the noise certificate, the rate of € 0.50 per ton or fraction of the maximum take-off weight will be applied.

Policy on traffic development

The traffic development policy adopted by BLQ aims at supporting Guglielmo Marconi Airport’s sustainable development, bearing in mind its catchment area’s features, the opportunities and interests raised by the territory as well as its stakeholders’ requests, always concerned with fine-tuning the Airport’s focus on enlarging connectivity and the Citizens’ need for environmental sustainability, especially in terms of noise reduction during night hours. The Policy is periodically adjusted and updated both to grant the uninterrupted compliance (firstly with Antitrust) of the proposals addressed to the market and to adapt the ever-changing traffic growth strategies (and the variety of international and domestic connections) to the Airport’s infrastructure capacity.

The proposed incentive model varies according to the whole number of routes which the different Airlines commit to operate through development plans in line with the targets set forth in the Policy. It also aims at regulating the Airport’s sustainable development in a transparent, non-discriminatory way, making the best possible use of the Airport’s infrastructure, in compliance with the applicable law.

Aviation Business Department
Mr. Antonello Bonolis e-mail: aviationbusiness@bologna-airport.it

Always bring BLQ with you