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Notification center

    Passengers are advised that from 16 September we will resume the work of upgrading spaces and replacement of machines at security controls, with remaking of pavements and reduction of access lanes to the boarding hall. We have already activated 4 new machines before the summer, now we are working on the activation in successive phases of another 4 machines, to make security checks easier and faster.

    We apologize for the inconvenience, we are working to make our airport more comfortable and efficient.

  • Liquids in your hand baggage

    The European Commission is temporarily reimplementing restrictions on liquids, aerosols and gels carried by passengers in their cabin baggage.
    Starting from 1st September 2024, the maximum allowed size of individual liquid containers will be set to 100 ml.

Notification center

    Passengers are advised that from 16 September we will resume the work of upgrading spaces and replacement of machines at security controls, with remaking of pavements and reduction of access lanes to the boarding hall. We have already activated 4 new machines before the summer, now we are working on the activation in successive phases of another 4 machines, to make security checks easier and faster.

    We apologize for the inconvenience, we are working to make our airport more comfortable and efficient.

  • Liquids in your hand baggage

    The European Commission is temporarily reimplementing restrictions on liquids, aerosols and gels carried by passengers in their cabin baggage.
    Starting from 1st September 2024, the maximum allowed size of individual liquid containers will be set to 100 ml.


Bologna Airport has placed Innovation and Sustainability at the heart of its development plan

Green plane

Not everyone has heard of this word, a fusion of Innovation and Sustainability. It is applied to projects that are both innovative and sustainable on a social, environmental and economic level.

Bologna Airport has decided to make it the trademark for two of the strategic axes of the company's development: Innovation and Sustainability.

This trademark also comes with a slogan: BLQ, Better Living Quality. Three words whose first letters create an acronym that identifies Marconi worldwide and that succinctly explain the company's daily goal: a better quality of life for everyone. The area in which it operates, its passengers, employees and suppliers.

You can learn more about Bologna Airport's Innovation and Sustainability projects in this section of the website.

Always bring BLQ with you