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Notification center
    Bologna Airport is open and operational as usual, flights are regular.
    The road situation has improved overall, but there are still some inconveniences on the access and exit routes from the airport.
    In particular, the underpass on Via Triumvirato is open in the central lanes and from Bologna center towards the Airport, while the passage from the Airport towards Bologna center is still closed. Alternative route marked on site.
    Furthermore, the exits of the Tangenziale road are still closed: 4 Triumvirato, 3 Ramo Verde and 2 Borgo Panigale.
    Exit 4bis Airport is open.
    The "Marconi Express" train station - airport connection is running regularly.

    Passengers are advised that from 16 September we resumed the work of upgrading spaces and replacement of machines at security controls, with remaking of floor and reduction of access lanes to the boarding hall. We have already activated 4 new machines before the summer, now we are working on the activation in successive phases of another 4 machines, to make security checks easier and faster.

    We apologize for the inconvenience, we are working to make our airport more comfortable and efficient.

Notification center
    Bologna Airport is open and operational as usual, flights are regular.
    The road situation has improved overall, but there are still some inconveniences on the access and exit routes from the airport.
    In particular, the underpass on Via Triumvirato is open in the central lanes and from Bologna center towards the Airport, while the passage from the Airport towards Bologna center is still closed. Alternative route marked on site.
    Furthermore, the exits of the Tangenziale road are still closed: 4 Triumvirato, 3 Ramo Verde and 2 Borgo Panigale.
    Exit 4bis Airport is open.
    The "Marconi Express" train station - airport connection is running regularly.

    Passengers are advised that from 16 September we resumed the work of upgrading spaces and replacement of machines at security controls, with remaking of floor and reduction of access lanes to the boarding hall. We have already activated 4 new machines before the summer, now we are working on the activation in successive phases of another 4 machines, to make security checks easier and faster.

    We apologize for the inconvenience, we are working to make our airport more comfortable and efficient.

Bike Friendly Airport

Bologna Airport has many sustainable mobility projects with particular reference to active mobility.


Bike paths

Among the sustainable mobility projects launched by Bologna Airport, there is also the creation of 2 sections of bike path outside the airport grounds, which constitute part of the Ciclovia del Sole – Eurovelo 7, one of the longest paths in Europe. In detail, Aeroporto di Bologna is committed to the:

  • Design and construction of a bike path connecting the Bargellino industrial zone and the urbanised areas of Lippo and San Vitale di Reno, within the wooded area of environmental compensation, for a length of 1,900 metres. The line is currently under construction.
  • Design and construction of a bike path parallel to Via del Triumvirato, located to the left of the Reno River (length: 1,600m), integrated with a branch connecting with the Airport Hub (800m) and aimed at connecting southwards with the city of Bologna through via Emilia Ponente and northwards with the Lippo residential area. The final design phase has been completed and, following the services conference, construction will be carried out by the Municipalities of Bologna and Calderara di Reno in their respective territorial areas, with resources from Bologna Airport.

The bike and pedestrian path as a whole will connect the airport with Eurovelo 7 (Ciclovia del Sole), mainly as a response to the need to connect the airport with the city of Bologna in an entirely Carbon Neutral way, and to offer an effective and environmentally friendly alternative for home-work commuting, without forgetting to respond to the demand for urban cycling and the ever-increasing demand for cycling tourism.

In addition, thanks to the Mobility Management agreement signed by AdB with the Municipality of Bologna, the home-work commute of AdB Group employees by bicycle, certified via an app, has entitled them to a mileage reimbursement and the possibility of further discounts on an integrated public transport season pass. From November 2022 to November 2023, with the Bike to Work project in collaboration with the Municipality of Bologna, the staff of the AdB group cycled 22,007 km to get to work, corresponding to 8,595 kg of avoided CO2 emissions, as much as that absorbed on average by 427 adult trees in a year. The number of personnel participating in the initiative represents approximately 8% of the total. The project has also been confirmed for 2024.

Bike Friendly certification

Aeroporto Marconi di Bologna is the first Italian airport management company to have obtained the “Bike Friendly Company” certification at “Gold” level from the Italian Environment and Bicycle Federation (FIAB). The certification is valid for three years and represents a recognition for companies that have created a work environment which promotes and supports the use of bicycles.

Conceived and promoted by a consortium of 16 European partners, the FIAB Bike Friendly certification allows companies to measure themselves against the only voluntary European standard for workplaces. The protocol assesses six action areas: staff information, communication and motivation; coordination and organisation; cycling support services; provision of cycling facilities; parking management as a complementary measure; influx of customers.
The higher the standards met, the higher the level the company can achieve. There are three levels of merit: Bronze, Silver and Gold.

Thanks to the actions it has carried out, Aeroporto di Bologna was certified for its excellent response to the 55 indicators envisaged by the European protocol. The airport manager has planned an effective strategy on several fronts that motivates the staff to use soft mobility. In particular, the BLQ Bike Station was built, a parking lot for bicycles and scooters just 1 minute walk from the entrance to the passenger terminal. The area offers modern anti-theft racks for bicycles, video surveillance and a column for maintenance of vehicles. In addition, the Group's staff who cycle to work have access to showers, changing rooms and reserved lockers.

Bicycles on loan for use by the staff

For its commitment to active mobility, Bologna Airport has obtained on loan for use from ITL-Istituto Trasporti e Logistica della Regione Emilia-Romagna, 26 pedal-assisted bicycles which have been made available to the staff for travel inside the airport grounds and for home-work travel.
The company wants to become a cycling point of reference for its staff and that of the airport community and bike travellers. The main access point to the city of Bologna and the entire Emilia-Romagna region, Aeroporto di Bologna is also one of the strategic cornerstones of public transportation, a link and hub of the country's social and economic life. In recent years, AdB has worked hard to provide the catchment area of around 10 million passengers and around 5,000 people working at the airport with a network of cycling services and infrastructure to improve accessibility and promote sustainable transport.

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