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Supplier and Partner Code of Conduct

Supplier and Commercial Partner Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct was drafted in order to establish the standards expected in commercial relations between AdB and its Suppliers and Business Partners and to ensure that the latter comply with these standards, in order to prevent and mitigate the negative impacts of all business activities on human rights and the environment and to enhance their positive impacts. Through the Code of Conduct, AdB intends to create a shared understanding of the conduct it expects from its Suppliers and Business Partners, ensuring that they comply with the values and principles expressed in the Code in relation to social, environmental and corporate governance issues, for which they are directly responsible.

AdB Suppliers and Business Partners are required to comply with this Code of Conduct. These include:

  • economic operators to whom AdB Group companies entrust works, services and supplies, including consultants, professionals and external collaborators; including any works subcontractors and suppliers;
  • economic operators that are involved in partnerships in various capacities and as a result of agreements and contracts drawn up with AdB covering a range of operating services and that are in any case are involved in activities included, in the broadest sense, in the airport service production chain; including their contractors, subcontractors and suppliers.

Suppliers and commercial partners are required to operate in alignment with the principles contained in this Code and to disseminate them among their employees, suppliers, external collaborators and all other parties that are included within the production chain.

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