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Notification center
  • Notice of Strike - Saturday, June 15th

    Passengers are informed that on Saturday 15th June, due to the strike of several air transport operators, cancellations and inconveniences may also occur at the airport.

    For information on flights, we recommend contacting your airline.

    You can also see the live flight information page on Bologna Airport website.

    We are sorry for the inconvenience.

  • Please report to the airport at least 3 hours in advance
    Due to work at security checks, we recommend you to arrive at the airport at least 3 hours before the flight departure time.

    More info

Notification center
  • Notice of Strike - Saturday, June 15th

    Passengers are informed that on Saturday 15th June, due to the strike of several air transport operators, cancellations and inconveniences may also occur at the airport.

    For information on flights, we recommend contacting your airline.

    You can also see the live flight information page on Bologna Airport website.

    We are sorry for the inconvenience.

  • Please report to the airport at least 3 hours in advance
    Due to work at security checks, we recommend you to arrive at the airport at least 3 hours before the flight departure time.

    More info

Safety Promotion & Education

All risks and hazards of airside activities must be fully understood by all operators.
In order for each one of them to receive the correct safety information, the SMS is in charge of the following:

  • Ramp Airside Training - compulsory for all holders of airport badge allowing access to the airside.
  • ADC Training - dedicated to staff who need to drive a vehicle in the airside area.

The objective of such training is to inform and instruct about the airport’s layout, the risks and hazards of the area where one works and the regulations to comply with.
SMS also launches promotional and awareness campaigns, like for instance the “Safety week”.

Always bring BLQ with you